Friday, August 13, 2010

I'm speechless...Ruby Pumps is my favorite polish. Is the polish i can take to a desert island, or wear forever.

"Ruby Pumps" es mi esmalte preferido, no me canso para nada de el, me encanta en todo momento, es el esmalte que pudiera llevar para siempre.

ルービー ポンポゥーが いちばん 女子きです。

Questo é il mio smalto preferito: Ruby Pumps. Potrei indossarlo per sempre e in ogni circostanza.
Veramente non mi stanca mai.


  1. Woah, you're nails are so long, you could compete with the nailphile. LOL!

  2. Thanks, but i looove The Nailphile, wouldn't have the will to compete with hers...eventhough my nails were longer before, but now i'm keeping them this length.
